If we talk about the cons, then everything is simple and clear:
lack of tactile contact. Even the strongest emotional and spiritual connection cannot last long without physical contact. It is he who is the basis of normal relationships. Partners can be close in spirit, experience similar emotions, but if they do not have the opportunity to touch each other, look into the eyes, feel the breath, such communication cannot be called complete;
the risk of betrayal. It increases if the separation lasts a very long time, and is also accompanied by mutual reproaches and conflicts. Any quarrel can serve as an impetus to the search for sympathy on the side. In addition, the distance between people helps to remove the "moral blockade". It seems that if the partner is far away, then no one will know about the infidelity. As practice shows, sooner or later the truth comes out, and then the break becomes inevitable;
feeling of loneliness and longing. Many turn to a psychologist for advice on how to maintain a relationship at a distance (how to maintain the interest of a man or woman - in particular) because they miss their soulmate madly. Moreover, due to a long separation, a person is able to lose interest in life, become depressed and live from meeting to meeting with a loved one;
the habit of being alone. Being apart for a long time, lovers can become completely strangers and gradually get used to loneliness - to the fact that they themselves plan their day and do what they want. Often, after reunification, people fail to establish a joint life and get along together;
lack of attention. To maintain feelings, it is necessary to constantly exchange pleasant words and take care of each other. Any manifestation of attention to a partner helps him feel needed and loved. At a distance, this simple rule becomes more difficult to follow: being in different time zones, people do not always live in the same rhythm. As time passes, communication with a partner fades away - endless telephone conversations and video calls are replaced by on-duty greetings and good night wishes, and at the same time, feelings fade away;
uncertainty about the future and distrust of the partner. In fear of betrayal, partners begin to control each other's actions. A missed call or an unread message becomes a good reason for a quarrel. Jealousy makes you constantly think that the partner is infatuated with someone else, his loyalty is called into question, and the inability to be around brings the situation to the limit.
Benefits of maintaining a long distance relationship
Do not think that long-distance relationships have only disadvantages. Temporary separation from a loved one has its advantages:
opportunity to test your feelings. It's no secret that true love will withstand any obstacles, including distance. If a couple went through long months of separation and at the same time maintained a trusting relationship and strong feelings, it is safe to say that people truly love each other;
a person is revealed from a completely different side. Negative qualities that were carefully concealed at first are often manifested. Separation allows you to see them and understand if this is your person. Even when parting, it is important to find your pluses: these relationships could take much more time and effort;
opportunity to make the most of your free time. The period of separation can be devoted to self-improvement, career advancement, meetings with friends and family, or simply doing what you have been dreaming of for so long;
memorable meetings and their anticipation. Being at a distance, lovers meet quite rarely. However, these infrequent dates can be made really bright - there would be a desire, and you will definitely have enough time for this.
But does it make sense?
How to maintain a relationship at a distance and is there any point in doing this? It all depends on the situation, and before answering this question, you need to take into account several factors at once:
how long people were together before. It happens that a couple has been together quite recently, and sometimes the acquaintance even took place via the Internet. In this case, there is practically no point in fighting for long-distance relationships. If the lovers have been together through many years and know each other perfectly, their feelings are quite capable of withstanding separation;
How long will the separation be? If, for example, this is while one of the partners is studying or until one of them finds a job in another city, long-distance relationships are acceptable and make sense. If none of the partners is going to move from their city and hopes that the other will do it, the relationship is doomed to failure in advance;
depth of feelings and firmness of intentions. In such relationships, attachment to a person and the desire to be with him are of great importance. If someone is not sure that he can withstand a long separation, he is unlikely to succeed.
Any relationship is a lot of work. Every day, both people need to put something into their relationship: finding the time to connect, finding the right words of encouragement, adjusting schedules and schedules. This is especially true for those who have to spend some time at a distance. What is acceptable to some, brings only pain and suffering to others. If there is any doubt that your love will withstand kilometers, it is better to immediately tell your partner about this and not reassure him. If both partners realize the value of each other and want to be together with all their hearts, such a relationship is definitely worth fighting for.
How to maintain a relationship at a distance - follow 7 tips from a psychologist
Communicate as often as possible. This does not mean at all that you need to bother your partner with constant calls and messages. It is important to maintain the regularity and high quality of communication. Try to tell your loved one about your daily activities, share your thoughts, ideas and experiences - this creates the feeling that a person is nearby and is ready to provide support at any time.
Consult on all important issues. If your soulmate is far away, this does not mean at all that you are free to do whatever you want. Solve problems together, ask your partner for advice and listen to them.
Find similar hobbies. For example, you can watch the same movie at the same time, while simultaneously exchanging impressions about it in instant messengers, or go for a “joint” morning run.
Give each other gifts and make small surprises. The presence of delivery services allows you to pleasantly surprise your loved ones even at a distance. You don't have to spend money on expensive things. Sometimes a bouquet of flowers or sweets for tea is enough to make your soulmate happier.
Meet at the earliest opportunity. The more frequent the meetings, the easier it will be to part. If it is not possible to visit each other for a long time, try to carve out at least a couple of days - for example, weekends.
Set a date for your next meeting in advance. There is nothing worse than uncertainty. If both will know the date of the next meeting, the time before it will pass easier and more imperceptibly.
Do not dwell on loneliness, try to be distracted. You should not constantly sit at home, be bored and feel sorry for yourself. Use this time to the maximum advantage for yourself: meet with loved ones, do your favorite hobby. This will make the separation less painful.
Do not lie to your partner and do not give in to temptations. It is much easier to deceive at a distance than being nearby. After all, a loved one will not know that instead of going to bed, you went to a club or bar. However, this behavior destroys trust and emotional connection. In addition to this, one who himself is not distinguished by fidelity begins to suspect a partner of treason. As a result, quarrels, scandals and mutual reproaches cannot be avoided.
There is an opinion that a relationship that has passed such a test is able to withstand any trouble. Like it or not, time will tell. The main thing is that love, even without physical contact, should bring happiness and positive emotions to both partners.
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