7 stages of a relationship
id: 10042983

The relationship between a man and a woman is a complex issue that defies all calculation. I am convinced that it is impossible to build a strong relationship without going through seven stages of getting to know each other.
Of course the first stage is falling in love. At this stage, the relationship contains enough romance. The partner causes admiration, you want to constantly attract his attention and to be near him. Thoughts constantly revolve around him, and everything else recedes into the background.
The second stage is satiation. Emotions fade into the background, excessive production of hormones stops. There is an opportunity to look soberly at the partner and the situation as a whole. The calm that comes after the intense release of hormones, more often than not, leads to the end of the relationship, because for the partner, it is almost tantamount to indifference. The next stage comes when the couple is willing to solve problems and tries to regain their former feelings.
The third stage is rejection. During this period, partners feel disappointment. In addition to the merits of the partner, flaws are clearly manifested - everyone wants to show their character, and no one is going to give in. There is a feeling of bewilderment, partners feel deceived. Not everyone is able to overpower themselves and enter the next phase of the relationship.
Fourth - Tolerance. This stage of the relationship implies the perception of the partner as a whole person with all his virtues and flaws. There is no desire to idealize the partner, but there may be a desire to change him or her.
The fifth stage is service. A turning point when partners come to the realization that they should appreciate what they have. Very few people manage to develop a relationship before this period, but if it happens, there is very little chance of a breakup. Those who consider themselves happy in marriage give their partner love freely and do not expect anything in return.
Sixth-Mutual Respect. Closely related to the previous stage, during which there is a great respect for the partner and the realization that he will support in any situation.
And finally the most important stage, having passed all the stages. Love. The final stage is calm, measured and deep. All the same extravagance of feelings as during infatuation are present, but there is also confidence in your partner and in the future. Physical intimacy is supplemented by mental intimacy.
Relationships are not easy and both partners must strive to find the greatest happiness together.)
