id: 4030
Hey guys since many of you seem to write in the blog I imagine you must read them too so I want to offer the wisdom of my experience I have visited the Ukraine a few times and Russia as the Crimea is now Russian federation and all I can tell you is to go, do not sit at a keyboard for years it is simply personal torment go to this wonderful country because some of the nicest people I have ever met are there and the ladies are truly the worlds best I of course no longer search because I have found my dream girl Ksusha is sweet smart beautiful kind caring and really so much more than I could ever hoped however in saying that once you commit to a lady don't keep writing to ten others it is not okay to do this because how would you feel if this was reversed? exactly!!

I agree this site is good and have helped me perhaps more than I deserve and I will be forever grateful because it gave me an opportunity to be with my love.

I cant stress enough go.. because like me you will want to keep going back.

Good luck guys
