Secrets of a happy relationship: you have to work hard! part 1
id: 10048049

What is a happy relationship for men
A happy marriage, formal or civil, should be a comfort zone for spouses. And it's not the lack of tantrums and screams. Just many couples need emotional shake-ups, and a stormy scandal with passionate reconciliation in such a union is the norm. The secret of happy marital family relationships lies in mutual understanding and trust, when you can tell your loved one about your most secret desires and not be afraid to meet condemnation or indifference.

It happens that a husband and wife live a long time, but constantly do not tell each other something. Unfulfilled desires and hopes accumulate, causing stress and anxiety. And if a woman, after crying, can throw out the negative, then it is more difficult for men in this regard. They are naturally less emotional, secretive and do not know how to talk about their feelings. The husband will endure, and then suddenly put his wife in front of the fact that he is leaving. And the poor woman will not even understand the reasons for such behavior.

What, from the point of view of a man, is the secret of a happy relationship?

He feels that the partner is attentive and caring to him, appreciates him as a person and does not take his presence nearby for granted. He often hears from his wife praise and encouraging words that support a man's self-confidence and emphasize his importance.
The husband knows that next to his wife he can relax, be himself, say whatever comes to mind, without fear of ridicule and condemnation. Heart-to-heart conversations support trust and sincerity in a couple.
A man knows that his wife finds him sexually attractive. The wife, not embarrassed, talks about this and often acts as the initiator of intimacy. It doesn't matter how the husband feels about intimacy. Feeling desirable is good for anyone.
Husband is pleased when his wife is near. He becomes more confident and calmer. He likes to spend time with her, feel her presence, feel touches and hugs.
A man does not doubt the love of his second half. He is confident in her feelings and that his wife accepts him as he is, with all the shortcomings and weaknesses. At the same time, there are limits to what is permitted. The wife is not a humble slave, even sincerely loving her husband, she will not tolerate rudeness and violence.
The secret of happy family relationships, according to men, is independence. A wife should need a spouse, seek support, but at the same time be a self-sufficient person. Addiction breeds a desire to control a loved one. Men value their personal space very much, so control by the wife can destroy relationships.
The spouse likes that the beloved takes care of herself, dresses with taste, emphasizes her individuality. He sees in this the desire to please and please him, because any man is pleased to look at a well-groomed woman.
He sees that his wife respects him, appreciates and is proud of him. A woman is a source of positive emotions for her partner. One kind word from her can restore peace and tranquility in the soul of a man.
The husband never heard humiliating and offensive statements from his beloved, even in quarrels. A woman does not allow herself to say offensive words to her husband, does not put pressure on him, forcing him to defend himself.
He sees that the partner does not live in the past, does not harbor resentment, forgetting and letting go of all the bad. She does not pretend to be a victim, she does not swarm in past failures, but she is determined to succeed and achieve her goals. This approach makes the relationship positive and constructive.
The secret of a happy relationship is to know that you are in the first place for your beloved. The husband trusts his wife and is sure that in a difficult life situation she will always be there, support, and not leave her.
He appreciates that his wife is friendly with his relatives, because they are also part of the family. Many couples have difficulty with this item. It is not always easy to accept the relatives of a loved one. However, striving for this speaks of true love and respect.

What is a happy relationship from a woman's point of view
Often men complain about the grouchiness and eternal discontent of their wives, but they don’t even think about what ladies need to be happy. And they certainly don’t try to do anything to make women happy. Psychologists have identified signs that a woman is happy next to her lover:

She likes to spend time together
When a woman agrees to go with a man to any place, even to a tourist trip, even for fishing, this speaks of the sincerity and depth of her feelings.

She smiles often
If a woman is happy, then she often smiles. Inner joy cannot be hidden. She will open up in cheerful laughter, in the sparkle of her eyes, in a light gait. If the wife constantly grumbles and frowns, then something is wrong in the marital relationship.

She likes to hug
Hugs and touches are manifestations of sympathy and love. When a wife often wants to hug her beloved, it means that she sincerely cherishes him. You don’t want to touch an unpleasant person, so tactile contacts are a sign of disposition and sympathy.

She wants to kiss often
The secret to a happy marriage is kissing. They convey passion, attraction, desire and joy. A woman splashes out negative emotions with the help of tears, and with the help of kisses - all the accumulated charge of love and tenderness.

She talks about everything
When a woman feels comfortable and is not afraid of judgment, she will share everything that happens in her life. Men, who are more silent by nature, often find it difficult to concentrate on such a flow of information. However, if a loved one shares all her secrets, then she is very good with you.

She often thanks her husband
A happy wife appreciates and protects her husband. She is always grateful when a man shows concern and does something for her.

She often cooks her husband's favorite food
Who would have thought, but the secret of a happy relationship is in delicious food! All men love to eat hearty and with appetite. Often the wife tries to pamper her husband and cooks what he likes. She does this with enthusiasm and pleasure, because for a loving woman there is no greater happiness than to see joy in the eyes of a loved one.

She chooses to walk with her husband instead of meeting her friends
A woman should communicate regularly with her girlfriends, this is good for mental health and maintaining emotional stability. But if a wife ignores dates with her husband and prefers to meet only with her friends, then this is a sign that the lady is unhappy with her family relationships.

She anxiously takes care of her sick husband
Men, when sick, require no less care than children. If a wife sits at the bedside of her husband, monitors the intake of pills, rubs her breasts with ointment and cooks chicken broth, you can be sure that this woman sincerely loves.

She sympathizes with her husband when he is in trouble.
A caring wife will always be there in difficult times, listen, support, encourage. After all, the secret of a happy marital relationship is not only in joyful moments, but also in overcoming difficulties together.

She compliments her husband
A wise wife knows that a kind word is pleasant for a cat, and even more so for a man. A happy woman does not skimp on compliments to her loved one. She will always notice how wonderfully the suit fits, how good the new haircut is, and how pleasantly smells from the best husband in the world.
