Psychology of relationships
id: 10052384

Projections do not allow to perceive reality adequately. We see what we want to see and miss the truth. For example, after a series of unsuccessful relationships, we can find shortcomings in a new partner that he does not have. And all just because we are used to getting burned in love and now we are projecting our fears onto an innocent person.
Also, because of the projection, we devalue our own and other people's capabilities. It can show up in small things. For example, in the fact that we begin to speak quickly and fill awkward pauses. At such moments, we devalue the possibility of an open dialogue. We decide that the interlocutor is bored and that he needs to be entertained.
It is impossible to refuse projection. This is an unconscious mechanism that protects the psyche from unbearable experiences and strengthens empathy. But we can control it. To do this, you need to learn to notice and understand your emotions, thoughts and expectations. And most importantly, projections grow stronger from innuendo. Learn to ask open questions if you don't understand something. Initiate an honest dialogue - even if you hear the bitter truth, it's still better than living in guesswork.
