Leisure time to good use
id: 10050328

I want to share with you how you can spend time usefully and the first thing I want to tell you is about work

Myth #1. Work = slavery

They say that work is a hard and unpleasant duty. By nature, people are arranged in such a way that if we want happiness, we must work to achieve the goal. Confusing duty with vocation, we drive ourselves into a framework in which there can no longer be any talk of any happiness.

Unloved, boring work, which does not give any positive emotions, is exhausting. Even if you are well paid, but at the same time every night you feel like a squeezed lemon, you should change something. If you can't change jobs for whatever reason, make it more enjoyable to work. Change your attitude to job responsibilities, revise the rules and schedule.

Remember that work should not be a yoke. Do not chase status, choose what brings a feeling of happiness, even if in monetary terms it promises less profit.

To be continued...
