Love formula
id: 10041048

This is the Dirac equation and it is the most beautiful of all in physics.
It describes the phenomenon of quantum entanglement, which says:
“If two systems interact with each other for a certain period of time and then separate from each other, we can describe them as two different systems, but they already exist as a different unique system.
What happens to one continues to affect the other, even miles or light years away."
This is quantum entanglement or quantum communication.
Two particles that were connected at some point are always connected.
Despite the distance between them, even if they are at opposite ends of the universe, the connection between them is instantaneous.
The same thing happens between two people when they are connected by something that only sentient beings can experience.
We call it LOVE.
Therefore, if love is real, it causes an instant response in one object to the actions of another, even at a great distance, even being ignorant of the actions of the first.

And this means that nothing can be done so that it does not affect a loved one.

Amazing, isn't it?
