pickuper trained on me?
id: 10032052

Do you know what is a pickup? And I don’t mean the truck. If so, how do you feel about it? What do you think of all these tricks, NLP and more? I don’t know if it works or not, but today ... ha ha ha, it looks like today one young pickuper was trying to get me! It was so funny to watch him try, but everyone needs training, right? :-)

A guy comes up to me today and says: “Girl, have you not seen my heart here? Because as soon as I saw you - I lost it! Give my heart why you stole it?” Ha ha ha, isn't that cute? In general, he was quite young and it was clear how worried he was.

Phew, the guy was persistent, did not stop trying - I liked it! But of course, I refused him and said “no”.

Listen, and what are your favorite open lines a conversation with a woman, maybe even seduce her? Maybe “doesn't your mom need a son-in-law?” or something similar? :-)
