The main secrets of a happy relationship between a man and a woman
Never make a scandal.
If you feel like a hurricane of emotions is raging inside, tell yourself “stop”, breathe, calm down and gather your thoughts. A man is not a whipping boy. You can not make a loved one an object for a splash of irritation, anger and rage. With one careless word or a rude shout, you can destroy everything that you have been building for years. Not all people quickly forgive an offense and not all words can be easily forgotten.
Sometimes offensive phrases hurt more than physical violence, especially if they are directed at the partner's vulnerable, weak points. You may immediately regret what you said, but this will not lessen the pain that your words caused to your loved one.
Find time for each other.
Try to spend time together, even if you have a busy schedule at work, and the holidays are still far away. This is especially important for couples who have been together for many years. Lovers already try not to part for a long time, but experienced spouses, absorbed in routine and life, may forget to devote time to each other. As a result, the husband and wife move away, the connection between them is lost, common interests and topics for conversation disappear. If you don't have a joint activity, think of one. Go to a restaurant, go ice skating, or take a walk in the park. The main thing is to be interested in each other, listen to your partner, delve into his life.
Support each other in business.
A man feels calmer and more confident and achieves more if he has a reliable rear in the person of a caring and understanding lover. Women need support too. When a lady has decided on a partner and is confident in her future, she can devote herself to an interesting business or career. Mutual support is important not only for the achievement of career goals. For example, a girl wants to learn how to ride a bike, but is afraid. If a partner shows concern and patience and helps a loved one tame a two-wheeled friend, this will bring young people together and build trust.
In fact, support is important in all significant cases. It gives a sense of unity, community, security. It's so wonderful when there is a person nearby with whom you can laugh and cry, rejoice and grieve, share a new idea and plans for the future and hear in response that together you will achieve everything.
Never betray your loved one.
True love goes hand in hand with loyalty. Even if a loved one is far away or you have a little argument, true feelings do not weaken from difficulties, and sometimes they are tempered and become even deeper. The secret of a happy relationship with a man lies in fidelity. If you are sincerely in love, then the rest of the gentlemen cease to exist for you. You will never give a reason to doubt your feelings, because there is nothing worse than betrayal. It is terrible to live, constantly expecting a trick from a partner and suspecting him of a lie. True love and deceit are incompatible with each other.
Respect your partner.
Often respect is associated with professional relationships or older people, and rarely with family life. In everyday, everyday relationships, he is forgotten, he is replaced by other, more petty feelings. But respect implies the recognition of the dignity of the individual. And when, over the years, love and passion go away, a husband and wife may be left with emptiness in their relationship. But if partners respect each other, their life together will always be filled with meaning.
6. Always trust your partner.
If you are constantly afraid that you are being deceived, suspect your partner, follow him, read SMS, sleep badly at night, then you cannot be called a happy person, and your life is most likely like a nightmare. And how everything would change if you just started to trust your lover!
The secret of a happy relationship with a man is trust. If a young man constantly notices that you are watching him, eavesdropping and controlling him, he will break off relations with you. A reliable union is possible where a man and a woman, knowing each other's strengths and weaknesses, accept a partner with all his imperfections and trust him.
Don't look up to other couples.
No two people are the same, so it makes no sense to compare your relationship with what is shown on TV, written in magazines, or told by girlfriends. Many people find someone else's life more attractive and winning, but do not envy. Everyone has secrets and omissions. And if your girlfriend is happy with her husband, then it’s not at all a fact that in her place you would experience the same feelings.
You can take into account your experience, your mistakes, but in no case be equal to other couples. Take care of your individuality. After all, if you are jealous, then you do not trust yourself, your choice, your decisions and goals. Therefore, you must first look inward and figure out why you are not happy with what you have and want what belongs to other people.
Together experience not only joy, but also sorrow.
Men often hide their experiences, hide under the mask of coldness, indifference and severity, because they are afraid to appear weak. This is especially true of emotions associated with loss: sadness, grief, longing. But this does not mean that there are no feelings. A wise woman will always see that her lover is ill, and will support him with a kind word, hugs or a gentle touch.
Learn to find the good in the bad.
The secret to a long and happy relationship is to take everything positively. When a woman is in love, she sees perfection in her man. But time passes, the couple has been married for ten years, and the ideal has already faded somewhat. Lovely features of her husband turned into annoying flaws. Socks hanging on the radiator for a week, crumbs on the table, water on the floor after a shower - everything that was barely noticeable before, now causes a storm of negative emotions. But are you yourself perfect? Or maybe your spouse is leaving the kitchen while you are dipping a cookie in your tea and then eating it with a little smack? All people have flaws, it must be accepted as a given. But try to look at them from a positive point of view, or just let your husband be himself.
Learn to listen.
People often stop understanding each other because they do not know how to ask questions and listen to answers. Partners cannot read minds and guess desires and needs. Many problems could be avoided if some people were not shy about talking about their needs, while others were able to listen and give what is needed.
Often partners only pretend that they are listening to each other, but in fact they are immersed in their own thoughts. Such communication will not improve relationships, will not bring lovers closer, will not help get rid of the burden of unspoken desires. Learn to actively listen to your partner in order to stay in touch with him and remain close people.
Constantly nurture the relationship.
Many couples believe that marriage saves them from further work on the relationship. But this is far from true. A harmonious family life requires daily work. The secret to a happy, long-term marital relationship is constant emotional nourishment. Think about what you can do for your beloved and how to please him.
Set shared values.
Each family is individual and unique. In some couples, the husband and wife share a common hobby, such as playing tennis. In others, the spouses do not share each other's hobbies, each does his favorite thing: the husband goes hunting, the wife knits in the evenings. But any strong union is built on common life values, such as attitudes towards children, religion, environmental protection.
Don't be vindictive.
Resentment is dangerous to health, as it implies the accumulation of negative emotions. And she does not paint a person at all, revealing his unkind disposition. Learn to sincerely forgive your loved one. This valuable quality will heal relationships, keep your partner's trust in you and improve your emotional state.
Of course, some things cannot be forgiven, but which ones are up to you.
Be realistic.
Do not try to copy relationships from TV shows or romance novels, live real life. The secret to a long and happy relationship is that partners can be themselves, not equal to soap opera characters. Don't expect from your lover what he can't give you. Long-term relationships are possible when each partner contributes to their creation and adequately assesses their capabilities and the capabilities of the other half.
Don't forget to talk about love for each other.
Routine, like a swamp, it drags on, makes life monotonous. Spouses are constantly preoccupied with solving everyday problems and have already forgotten when they confessed their love to each other. It harms family relationships. Do not forget to tell your loved one about your feelings, otherwise, over time, he will think that they are no longer there.
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