5 secrets of happy couples
id: 10048049

Trust first
The atmosphere that reigns in the family is of great importance for the quality of relationships and in every sense affects their duration. Psychologists agree that when two people are comfortable and calm next to each other, they will hold on tightly to this union. And without trust, this harmony is almost impossible to achieve. Therefore, instead of baseless suspicions and doubts, learn to build an open and honest dialogue.
As you know, distrust is always paired with quarrels and stress, gradually killing tenderness and respect in the family, which means it can destroy love. To prevent this from happening, do not make it a habit to control every step of the second half in an attempt to catch him in a lie. It is better to multiply positive emotions between you. At the same time, never be silent about what really worries you. This is the only way to create a truly trusting relationship.

hug more often
Oddly enough, but it really works, and at any age. It is constant tactile contact that helps to live in a sense of love and closeness, even for those who have long passed the milestone of a golden wedding. However, many couples who have been together for a long time sometimes begin to think that hugging and kissing the other half is no longer necessary every day. And very in vain!
It has been scientifically proven that during hugs or gentle touches, the hormone oxytocin is released, which forms attachment and special warm relationships between people. Therefore, in order to carry love through the years, hug each other more often and hold hands. Such moments of care and tenderness keep a truly reverent relationship.

Say "thank you" to each other
The ability to appreciate a partner and be grateful to him are important components of a happy strong marriage. But it happens that over time we get used to each other and get used to each other so much that we stop noticing many gestures of care or help. Spouses begin to take them for granted, completely forgetting about the simple and magical word "thank you".
Even if it seems to you that you already understand each other without words and all thanks have been voiced for a long time, you should not neglect this simple step. After all, when we feel our value and significance, even if expressed verbally, it inspires and uplifts. You can thank not only for something global, but even for little things, like removed socks or help with shopping.

Swear right
Love is corroded not only by routine and everyday life, but also by constant mutual claims and insults. Conflicts that flow smoothly into swearing or vice versa into unspoken claims threaten to cause love to simply fade away in the end. And although disputes or misunderstandings can arise in any normal couple, it is important to be able to resolve them correctly and in a timely manner. This is where endurance and mutual respect will help you.
Calm conversations without shouting and insults, where you jointly solve a problem that has arisen and listen to each other, are ideal in case of an imminent conflict. And it’s even better not to accumulate discontent and not wait for the peak situation, but immediately say what upsets or confuses. Through dialogue, you can magically avoid negative situations and live a truly happy life.

Work on relationships
Partners in a healthy and strong relationship do not run away from problems, but always try to find a solution together. This also applies to marriage itself. In any couple, a difficult crisis period can come, when a lot of questions or fears suddenly appear. At such moments, it is important not to close yourself in and not to seek help from outsiders, but to enter into a dialogue and support each other.
Trying to pretend that nothing is happening will not lead to anything good. After all, acknowledging the problem is already half the battle. Family therapy sessions will also help to move the situation off the ground. The main thing to remember is that overcoming any difficult life moments side by side will only make you stronger, and love even stronger.
