The Sacredness of Music
The sounds fascinated, put into a trance during mystical rites and helped to communicate with the gods, inspired a person when he went into battle, healed physically and mentally. Music entered human life in the Paleolithic era, each event and ritual was accompanied by rhythmic sounds, intricate combinations. The music of the indigenous peoples of Africa and America is still based on principles laid down many thousands of years ago.
With slow steps, the music moved away from rhythm and let in melody, string and wind instruments appeared. In the era of the Ancient World, music came with a large arsenal, it healed and brought pleasure. The priests and philosophers of ancient Egypt, China, Rome and Greece realized that sounds have a huge impact on the consciousness and unconscious processes of human perception of the world. The thinkers of Antiquity devoted scientific treatises to the topic of the influence of music therapy on a person and argued that thanks to music, order is established in the Universe and disturbed harmony in the body.
What kind of music do you listen to?
Asking this question, we first of all want to hear what a person breathes, what he is fond of and what he is like. Obviously, musical preferences are reflected in the personality and its mood. But not everything is so simple, focusing on numerous scientific articles, you can easily get the wrong idea about a person and hang a bunch of labels. It's very easy to make a mistake.
Classical music
A lot has been written about the intellectuality and healing properties of classical music. It has a beneficial effect on the human body and its psycho-emotional state, fills a person with a huge charge of positive energy. LinkedIn conducted internal investigations and found that more than 70% of middle and senior managers constantly listen to the classics and note a positive impact on their productivity and performance. There is no doubt about this, it has been proven that classical music enhances brain activity, improves mathematical and logical abilities, restores peace of mind and increases stress resistance. What character traits do lovers of Mozart and Tchaikovsky have? Confidence and charisma with a justified claim to intellectual exclusivity.
Jazz, blues and reggae
Before you is definitely an extraordinary person, if he listens to one of the chosen directions. After all, there is a certain philosophy of worldview and passion behind music. Reggae is considered the music of a good mood, does not cause aggression and anger. Jazz and blues clearly testify to good musical taste and a love of experimentation.
Rock music
Neither psychologists nor scientists have an unambiguous opinion about a person who loves rock. On the one hand, there is an opinion that low-frequency heavy and expressive music has a negative effect on the psyche and can cause a release of energy, including aggressive. On the other hand, among the fans of rock music there are many talented people with extraordinary thinking, who do not tolerate falsehood and are able to amaze with deep knowledge of science and creativity.
Rap and hip hop
Behind a clear rhythm and beat, harshness and aggressiveness of phrases, there is always an internal rebellion, a desire to convey one's point of view and assert oneself. Among fans of rap and hip-hop, you can often see the younger generation, which is just building a life, following the path of personal and professional growth. It doesn't matter if it has a positive message or a negative one, this music is a symbol of rebellion.
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