Be grateful for everything you have, everyone you have and who you are
id: 10043632

1. The present moment is the only moment we have.
That's the only thing that matters now. So why not be grateful for it? We are alive. We breathe. The sun shines. The birds are singing. Our house smells like cookies. Our bed is warm and cozy. A butterfly flew into the room. All this is happening right now. And it's up to us whether we enjoy this moment or just let it slip away...

2. We have more than enough.
If we are alive, have a roof over our heads, food on the table and are surrounded by kind, loving and caring people, then we are richer than most people in the world. We have more than we need. We have everything.

3. The more gratitude we show, the more positivity we attract into our lives.
Try it, be grateful starting today. After all, a person attracts to himself what he reflects. Think of everything you have. Think about everything you've been through. All these things and experiences have made you who you are today.

4. Gratitude gives us the power to forgive.
It strengthens empathy and relieves accumulated aggression. Any experience we have on our journey through life (good or bad) is just a lesson to be learned in order to keep moving forward. And we should always be grateful for him. Remember, development is impossible in the comfort zone.

5. Gratitude opens the door to new relationships.
This is not higher mathematics. Gratitude makes us happier, kinder, more positive, teaches us to appreciate other people and things that are present in our lives. Thus, it makes relationships stronger and better, helping to attract new and positive people into life. The more grateful and positive we are, the more light there will be in our lives.

6. Gratitude makes sleep stronger.
Literally and figuratively. It not only relieves pain, stress and improves the quality of sleep, but also calms the mind. A daily expression of gratitude helps to establish inner harmony. Our thoughts become calmer, we free ourselves from expectations and simply enjoy life as it is.

7. Gratitude for any life experience is the key to happiness.
And how else? Being grateful means reprogramming your brain and tuning your mind to notice the positive moments in your daily life. It means seeing the good in any situation, choosing hope over despair. It means directing our energy and attracting to ourselves what we want most. So be thankful. Whatever happens, be grateful for the experience. After all, there is a reason for everything, which means that this is exactly what you are ready to receive at this particular moment.
