For thousands of miles, such simple and understandable words, such familiar to all lovers, fly, and the heart stops so sweetly and the eyes sparkle.
- I miss you so much...
- I will come, I will definitely come! Only you believe, only you wait!
- I wait! I believe, I really, really believe...
- Kissing you tenderly...
From the infinite height of the night sky, the stars look at me sympathetically, blinking with their eyelashes, the bright lights of the night stars.
I sit alone and different thoughts visit my thoughtful head. I don't feel like sleeping.
You would become a light transparent warm breeze.
Fly to me, quickly burst into the window, penetrate into all the cracks, the cracks of my windows.
It's easy to touch my face. So that I understand that you are with me, very close, close, close.
Put your confident hand on my fragile shoulder, press me to myself so that I feel protected in this world.
To let me know that I'm not alone.
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