Save yourself for love a rare in our time!
id: 10019636

It is important for me that this happens on time and beautifully. With a loved man.

I don’t understand why many girls think that if you are more accessible, you will have more male attention, you will get to know everyone faster, you will be more liberated. And if you are inaccessible, it is because you simply have nothing to take. So many people think, but it's not true. It seems to me that this is very stupid, because, in addition to these needs, you can please not only as a beautiful girl, a woman - you also need to be meaningful, versatile, you need to read books.

Chastity is a topic, let's say, very unfashionable among the mass audience.
In fact, several types of people can be distinguished: some think that there is something in them that is worth keeping and not “exchanging” with just anyone. Others think the opposite: how bad, everyone has already got rid of it, but I am unhappy (or unhappy), no one needs me, and I also need to get rid of it as soon as possible. And there is a third category of people who want to have a family in the future, to be happy in love, but do not understand that this is due to the fact that they either lose or do not lose some inner integrity!
