Of course, I believe that the common goals and interests must be, completely dissolve into each other. But ...
Dreaming of a strong and harmonious relationship, it is important not to forget about the possibility of giving each other the right to realize their own desires and interests. Restrictions, limits and strict control ruin tender admiration for the chosen one, which is the most valuable feeling in the tandem lovers. It can be saved only without violating the individual space.
The human psyche is arranged so that in the life of everyone should provide a free and undisturbed personal space. What does this mean?
I believe that everyone needs the opportunity to be alone or to do what they love without being near a partner.
It is not uncommon to be very uncomfortable when even a close and beloved person is surrounded on all sides. This is a violation of personal space in its purest form. It is necessary to create a clear balance between time spent together and the possibility of privacy.
There must be a golden mean.)
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