Strange, incomprehensible, completely illogical creatures - women :) How can you do, or rather, help her become happy? A few recommendations for men who want to understand a woman's needs and what she really wants... Rule #1. A woman needs to be heard! Be an attentive, appreciative listener, not taking her words as an immediate call to action and not considering her speech as an accusation or criticism of yourself. In the end, perhaps now she is in a bad mood, and all because she is dissatisfied with something in herself, she is afraid of something, worries, is afraid, feels uncomfortable, in a word. She may not admit it to herself or be aware, but she will not talk about it out loud, but the reason is most often only this. By allowing a woman to speak out, you thereby provide a very important, almost irreplaceable, invaluable help - talking about what is boiling, releasing negativity, she restores peace of mind and then you will be comfortable in her company. Therefore, do not take her words personally, listen first and only then ask how you can help her. Sometimes one such question is enough for a woman's heart to melt and her soul to warm up. Rule number 2. A woman needs to talk about love, and not once, but every day - but only if you really love her! Otherwise, you don't need to do this! It's great if you have your own personal jargon-lexicon, in which you declare love to each other, something personal and intimate. Over time, such "code" words (just make sure that they are positively perceived by your partner), used only by two, become anchor words that immediately cause high spirits. Love and jealousy are not the same thing. Jealousy is a sign of self-doubt, a woman should not suffer because of your anxiety. Otherwise, your relationship may come to naught. Rule number 3. A woman, in addition to words of love, needs proof of this love, but in the form that is most understandable to her. As previously mentioned, there are five love languages. Speak her language so she understands that your words are not just words. Rule number 4. Since 80% of women are stalkers, in no case should you break off contact without warning. You have the right to privacy, but a woman has the right to know how long you will be out of her line of sight. The more often you inform her in advance of your desire to be alone with yourself, preferably with an indication of the exact time, the less often such measures will be required in the future. When "disconnecting", be sure to say how long you need to leave and that you love her! In the event that you are a pursuer, and a woman is a distancer, then you need to give her the opportunity to be alone, gather her thoughts, sort out herself or in another company. In the end, everything is known in comparison and it is very possible that you are really the best for her and therefore all comparisons are only in your favor! Be confident! Rule number 5. A woman needs confidence in the future - this includes joint plans for the future, caring for her and her children, confidence in financial well-being in the future. It is not at all necessary that you should become a financial magnate at the same time - but a woman should know that if she has financial problems, you will come to her rescue in any way you can. Rule number 6. A woman should be allowed to be independent and not run away to solve her problems immediately. She has the right to choose how to solve them and whether to consider them problems at all. A woman definitely needs to strengthen her sense of self-confidence. Otherwise, you will never know why she is with you - because she is dependent on you, or because she really loves you! Women are different - someone's dream is to become a business woman, because she is bored and not interested at home (assuming that she is financially secure), and someone - to devote herself to the family, to do purely household chores, while receiving full satisfaction from all this. There is, of course, the third, most common option - to combine both. In a word, whatever a woman chooses, it should be entirely her choice, without pressure from the outside. You are required to support her in this choice. Rule number 7. A woman should be allowed to be weak! No matter how strong a woman may seem in public, at home she most often wants to be just a woman, lean on a man's shoulder, feel the tenderness of his care, hear affectionate words, relax. She, of course, can do without it, but will she be happy with it, that is the question. As they say, a woman can be strong even without a man, she can be great, but a man is strong because he loves her not for her strength, but because she is a woman - sometimes vulnerable,sometimes illogical, sometimes not in the mood, etc., in a word, allowing herself to be weak in his company. No reproaches against you for these weaknesses! If a woman can be weak with you, then she trusts you! Rule number 8. A woman must be confident in her external attractiveness! It does not matter how she looks, as they say, there are no ugly women. She needs confidence that her appearance is exactly your ideal of beauty (especially if it is). And that your attitude and reverence for her beauty will not change, regardless of whether she loses weight, gets better, tans, cuts her hair, etc. It is believed that jokes about manhood are always inappropriate. If we attribute this principle to female appearance, then jokes that undermine her confidence in her irresistibility and attractiveness are always inappropriate. The emancipation of a woman in intimate life is a measure of her confidence in her beauty. The more a woman is convinced of her irresistibility and attractiveness in your eyes, the more she will want intimacy and get satisfaction from it. Rule number 9. A woman needs confidence that she is unique, special, the best - an ideal for you, in a word. It is the ideal for you - therefore, in general, there are no ideal people, but there are couples that are most suitable for each other. She must know that no matter if you meet tomorrow another, more beautiful, smart, rich or other outstanding woman, you will still love her, because she is she and there is no other like her! Rule number 10. A woman needs her man. It is in your power and ability to show that this is the way it is. The nine previous recommendations will help you with this. As they say, if you are not in a fairy tale yet, then there is no magician nearby. A real man has a happy woman because he loves her. He loves not because he understands, but loves, even when he does not understand. And the more he doesn't understand, the more he loves. He knows how to forgive, appreciate, love the way she is and does not try to remake her. And remember that a woman is like a diamond, the more facets she has, the more expensive she is, and more correctly, more priceless! Because every woman deserves a chorus of praise. And a happy woman is always a beautiful woman! In turn, the desire to make someone happy is not one-sided. It is successful only if it is mutual, and the woman, in turn, also wants happiness for her man with all her heart. And as a result of the mutual desire to make each other happy, the most comfortable compromise for both is achieved. The above recommendations do not pretend to be completely objective: women are different, just like men. Given the subjective opinion of the author of the article, you can write in the comments other points on how to make a woman happy. The very first thing you need to make a woman happy is to know that a man is able to help women's happiness and sincerely want a woman to be happy. If only because, as Sylvester Stallone said: It took me 30 years to understand that a happy wife is a happy life :) And because, a Woman is like salt, it’s not sweet with her, but without her it’s not tasty!
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