Love at a distance: is there a chance?
id: 10048049

Love at a distance does not exist. Many people are sure of this. They cannot imagine their morning without a loved one. As soon as they wake up, they immediately need his presence, they need to hear his voice, squeeze his hand lightly, kiss gently, even more gently, touch his cheek and smile at his still sleepy eyes. It is important for them to be near, the physical presence of a partner confirms that there is love, that they are not alone, they are loved, and their feelings are mutual. How does it feel from a distance? How to feel it, this love? Love is actions, not words. And at a distance, it turns into beautiful metaphors and juicy promises. But is this love? This is possible only in adolescence: for example, first love can live for some time in letters. But who remembers how long her life lasted? Until a new hobby or admission to the institute, no more. Many people think so. Many do not give love at a distance the right to exist. They laugh at her and do not believe in her sincerity. That's in vain. They just do not know that love has different guises, it is always real, but only lovers can feel it. Not us, not idle onlookers and spies, she has nothing to do with us, and rightly so.

And now attention! Studies have shown that love at a distance - to be. It exists (Hallelujah!). Only for this you need two factors: 1) let your partner know the most personal and intimate things about you; 2) idealize him, always think that at this moment he would have done better. This is what the researchers suggest, and we thought that a few more points could be added to prove this love.

Love at a distance is possible only between mature people. Then it has a strong core of reality. Love at a distance is possible between people who have got rid of the round-the-clock desire to possess, who give their partner freedom, who trust each other unconditionally. And the theme of constant physical presence is not prevailing here. Do you still think it's impossible? Then we move on.

In Europe, many couples have the opportunity to temporarily move out to their apartment. They build relationships together, they have a common life and, most likely, in the morning they can make plans for the next year and choose a country for a joint vacation. They love each other passionately, but nevertheless, each of the partners has their own rear in the form of an apartment where they can hide and be alone with themselves. You don't think it's love at a distance? How is that different from her? Love at a distance can always move to another platform, lovers can come together. Most likely, they are striving for this. But only they have one important advantage - they know how to be with themselves, they do not hide behind relationships, they do not require round-the-clock support, they have learned to rely only on their own strength. Their need for relationships has ceased to be selfish.


For all relationships, this is important, but for long-distance relationships, it is urgently vital. Love will live as long as you trust. As soon as you start to doubt, draw in your head what you are not sure of and what you cannot confirm, as soon as you stop trusting in the depths - that’s it, it’s better to end your relationship, then they will drag on a lifeless train, and you will only get confused in it .


For love at a distance, the desire to meet is necessary. Nothing without him. You can call each day and describe your day, share the latest news and ask for advice. You can arrange a video chat before going to bed, fantasize - this, by the way, will add a little spice to your relationship. All this will help to hold out in separation, but still the meeting should take place.


Well, if it's not just a meeting at the airport or a night at the hotel, but your man comes to your house. Let him live your life a little, feel what you live by touch. In the same way, you must see his house, in order to understand how he lives. After all, our home is a continuation of us, it is that part of us that is difficult for us to explain in words.

Love at a distance has a very delicate subtle body. It needs to be felt and cherished. She (love) can close from a banal intonation or understatement. Here you will not be able to rush after, take by the hand, hug and just be silent together. Your man at a distance can be offended and just do not answer calls, do not read messages and do not respond to your blinking on the network. And you will not always be ready to rush to the airport to fly and explain yourself. Therefore, it is important to remember that love at a distance is very tender: speak, even when you are not in the mood (at least explain it), or when you are busy (at least explain it) - always be in touch.

Love at a distance exists. But she always strives for one thing - in the end to be together. How long it will last in this status and whether it will move to another level is up to you. But you definitely need to discuss this moment - will you be together? And most importantly, do you want it?
