Halloween, what traditions exist?
id: 10035233

About 15 years ago, a lot of people didn't know how to answer that question. Simply because they had no idea what Halloween was. The only fall holiday was celebrated out of habit, the "red day of the calendar," November 7. As the years went by, things changed. The celebration of the anniversaries of the October Revolution was canceled. Now the main holiday of the fall, of course, is Halloween. At any rate, it's definitely the most fun. Although a little scary, too. Well, you bet it is, with all that history!

Today Halloween is a fun and not scary holiday. The gloomy costumes are just an element of the game, necessary to create the atmosphere. After all, you have to take the evil spirits from somewhere. Halloween is celebrated in many countries around the world. In fact, in these countries, it is the second holiday after Christmas. Halloween is one of my favorite and most unusual themed holidays! What about yours? Have a great Halloween!
