Separation for love is the same as the wind for fire: it extinguishes a small love, and inflates a big one even more. When two people love each other, it is natural to want to always be together, to see and hear each other and to touch each other, and sometimes even a short separation can be painful. But life is an unpredictable thing, and sometimes circumstances develop in such a way that lovers have to go through the test of separation.
The reasons may be different - he leaves to get an education or earn money for your common house, you are forced to leave to care for a sick relative or initially live in different cities ... To love and not be able to live together is a difficult test for two, and not anyone can bear it.
The complexities of love at a distance
The main disadvantage of love at a distance is that a loved one seems to be there, and at the same time, he seems to be gone. This is a very strange feeling - to be together, but at the same time live in different cities or even countries, especially if before that you were used to seeing each other every day.
Living together gives a lot of advantages and imposes certain obligations, you get used to rely on each other, decide everything together, share both the bad and the good in each other's life. And in this sense, separation is somewhat akin to breaking up relationships - in both cases, you have to re-learn how to live alone: cook only for yourself (or just learn to cook), fall asleep alone, go to the cinema, theaters and meetings with friends as a loner.
If the separation is long, then sometimes the illusion may even arise that you are indeed a loner, although this is still not the case.
In addition, living separately for a long time, you forget what it is like to live together, and begin to idealize your partner and your relationship, as a result, the meeting may turn into a disappointment.
And, of course, it is very difficult to endure the lack of sex, or rather, even the inability to make love with your man. And it's crazy: there is love, there is a man, but there is no sex, and this is what often causes betrayal.
The most difficult thing is for those who are left to wait - for him only the fact that there is no loved one has changed. And the one who leaves, in fact, starts a new life - in a new place he acquires new connections, new hobbies, new friends.
Priorities, goals, and sometimes even character also change.
At first, they correspond and call back, and then the man, having tasted life in a big city, begins to disdain his former life, with which his former lover is now associated.
If the separation lasts a long time, and there is no way to meet, then sometimes the relationship just naturally fades away - it is impossible to live in the past all the time. Real life, which happens here and now, is often much more interesting.
Keeping interest, being thousands of kilometers apart, is very difficult, and only a few manage to keep love.
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