If you can discuss everything with your partner, everything in general, without judgment, without suppression, without depreciation and ridicule, without subsequent reminders, without accusations, then you are very lucky or you are ripe to be in a relationship of love and harmony.
People between whom love happens can talk for hours about everything in the world. Doubts, worries, uncertainty, hopes... There are no taboo topics, including former relationships and nuances of physiology.
Real intimacy is about being open with the other as you are with yourself, it's about when you're ready and willing to share, the other person is attuned and ready to listen. With a desire to understand. With sympathy. With the support.
He may have his own opinion and may even disagree with you, but he will not analyze your unstable state even more.
He will wait for the best moment or choose the right words to get his point across without catching you.
A caring attitude is what characterizes a healthy intimacy.
Always affection and tenderness. Even disagreement is soft.
If a person pretends to be a teacher: "You see, you yourself are injured, you need to do something with yourself. You scream, hysteria, get angry - get treated," to hell with such a teacher. Straightaway.
The one who loves will not say so, because he considers your feelings. If you're angry, it means you're in pain, and he understands that. "It's okay, I love you."
The one who loves will not go where your suffering lives. Because he feels you, and he will be hurt exactly the same way. It's like hurting yourself. Mutual feeling.
For someone who loves, it is important that a loved one could develop, could realize their dreams, could count on understanding and support in all life situations.
The person you love should be happy. This is the cement of a healthy relationship, if both of them think so.
If someone torments you, then it does not hurt him when it hurts you. It's obvious, isn't it? If he steps on what is important to you and does not want to listen to your arguments, then your happiness does not matter to him. Is that understandable? If he, seeing your feelings, continues to spin you into even greater emotions, doesn’t this speak of his indifference? Who does he love and who is he thinking about at the moment?
If you cannot communicate with a loved one as with yourself, then you have no other close person besides yourself.
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