I love my homeland — Ukraine!
id: 10045511

Each of us has a single Homeland. Firstly, this is the place where we were born and grew up, which we walked around with our feet up and down. Secondly, the Motherland is our native country. You can't change your homeland, just like you can't change your parents, those who gave us life. I believe that where a person was born, that's where he should live his life and go his way to the end. For me, my homeland is my native Ukraine.

I love my country very much, despite the fact that maybe someone thinks that somewhere is better. I am sure that for a true patriot of his country, there can be nowhere better than in his native land. And each of us can create for ourselves and our loved ones such conditions of existence that are no worse than the conditions in other countries. But we should not limit ourselves to this, we must strive to ensure that life is constantly improving for all our compatriots.

Against the background of other states, our country is still quite young, so its future is completely in the hands of our contemporaries and subsequent generations. What we will make our Homeland, this is what it will be. I believe that now no one has the moral right to abandon Ukraine to the mercy of fate and flee somewhere abroad. After all, no one needs us there anyway, and our life will depend only on ourselves. But native Ukraine now really needs our strength and our knowledge, because only we can put it on its feet. In my opinion, people who leave their native country betray the memory of their ancestors and deprive their descendants of their real Homeland. Leaving the graves of their relatives and, as if ashamed of their origin, they try in vain to escape from themselves.

I know for sure that I will always live in my native country. After all, I love my homeland — Ukraine! And I want my man to feel the same love for me as I do for Ukraine!
