MONEY is only a means for a convenient exchange of energy in a material form, but it is not a fetish or an "icon" of your whole life - this is how greed and arrogance are born.
LOVE is respect and deep respect for the Spiritual Spark of the Universe in each of you, the cosmic energy of love is a more comprehensive phenomenon than earthly infatuation, it is not only a relationship of minds - in this way you limit and diminish this multidimensional vibration.
CAREER - no person should be in service or subordination to another, because you are all free creative souls - this is how proud self-admiration and the importance of ego are born.
EXPENSIVE CARS are only a means of movement on the surface of this planet, it is not a factor in assessing the level of well-being of each other - this is how inequality and envy are born.
LUXURY REAL ESTATE is just the "nests" that you build on the One Body of the Earth (your common house) - this is how the division into classes and castes is born.
GLAMOR is a "doll" state of mind, or a "childish" state of consciousness, it is a desire to be artificially bright and noticeable, often due to the inaccessibility of this state to others, but the real brightness is at the level of your hearts and real living actions - this is how jealousy and arrogance are born benefit.
DRUGS - an artificial and mentally harmful way of raising the vibrations of the soul\body\consciousness, a method of "escape" from the here and now, obtaining unauthorized access to stronger frequencies.
ALCOHOL is a technical surrogate water that replaces your feelings of need, protection, care, but in just one ray of sunlight you could find more love and attention if you became more subtle and sensitive beings.
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