Thank you for everything and everyone. Even if you think they don't deserve a drop of it. And you thank me.
Thank you back when you are thanked. It seems... It sounds a little silly. But you try.
Thank you when a stranger just smiled at you. When the rain descends from the clouds on a ladder. When the wind plays with your hair.
Thank you for everything. For relatives, for friends, for enemies. For those who curse you and hate you.
Thank you for a piece of bread, for water, for eyes, for legs, for hands. For seeing the sun, for smiling, for being able to cry.
Thank you for everything. Every minute, to every person. Thank the night that came and put you in the crib. Thank the sun for waking you up.
Thank you winter. Because she has already packed her bags and bought a ticket. Thank spring. Because she had already boarded the train and ordered coffee.
Thank you for everything. Because gratitude is a great prayer. And God sees and smiles. Let's do it like that. Every day. Every minute. Every moment...
Thank you.
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