Everything matters in love.
id: 10052052

And words, and deeds, and gestures and touches. When they say that words mean nothing, they are lying.
Of course, you won’t get far with words alone, and actions determine a lot. But you try to completely exclude words from your relationship and you will realize that you are suffocating.
Tender, passionate, timid, bold words...
Words are accidentally dropped, like rose petals on velvet skin, furtively whispered in the ear in a noisy company, they say, looking straight into the eyes one on one over a cup of aromatic coffee.
Words caress, hug, warm when hands cannot do this.
Words do not care about distance - sincere, naive, kind, taken directly from the heart, words can work real miracles with us.
Words are scolded so much, sometimes they are ashamed to say aloud, they are pushed deeper into the soul, so that they do not inadvertently break free.
Words are neglected so often and undeservedly.
But so the words are needed. Words of love…
