What to do if there is no electricity?
id: 10035233

To begin with, I want to tell you a few tips that will help you in such a situation.


1. To begin with, you must first stock the most necessary things!

2. Necessary things to prepare! It should be the most necessary, namely food, medicine and first aid supplies to be ready to stay in such conditions for a long time!

3. In such situations device for contactless charging of gadgets or charging the whole house is very useful! For example - the generator!

4. Be sure to prepare warm clothes, as during the power outage heating will also be turned off!

5. If there is no means of communication, arrange with relatives about the place of the meeting in such situations beforehand and if suddenly it happens you both will know where to look for each other!

I think that my advice will help you in such situations and you will be much easier!
