The main components of a love relationship are INTIMACY, PASSION, and COMMITMENT. Together they form a love triangle.
• Proximity. It should be understood as a sense of unity, belonging, cohesion, connectedness.
• Passion. Sexual attraction and accompanying romantic relationships are implied.
• Commitment. In the short term, this is the same desire to stay with your partner, and in the long term, the construction of joint plans.
• So, depending on how the three factors of love are combined, it can take on a variety of forms.
LACK OF LOVE. In the absence of all three components, no form of love is observed. This is, for example, our attitude towards strangers.
FRIENDSHIP. In theory, two types of friendship are distinguished: friendly love and friendship close to ordinary sympathy. Now we are talking about the second. It occurs when intimacy is present and all other components of love are absent. With such friendship, people treat each other with warmth and respect, have something in common, are spiritually close, but do not make long-term plans and do not have a sense of passion.
LOVE. Falling in love is characterized by the presence of passion and the absence of intimacy and commitment. Of course, this form of love cannot be called complete. Such relationships can have two outcomes: either the acquisition of intimacy and / or obligations (and then falling in love develops into romantic, fatal or perfect love, each of which you will read below), or neither intimacy nor obligations are acquired, falling in love eventually passes. .
EMPTY LOVE. In empty love, there is only one component - commitment. It can be both the end and the beginning of other forms of love. For example, with the loss of passion and intimacy, perfect love can degenerate into an empty one. But in countries where arranged marriages are common, empty love precedes fatal or perfect forms of love.
ROMANTIC LOVE. Romantic love is a combination of intimacy and passion. In this form of love, people are attached to each other, feel as one and feel intense passion, but due to the lack of commitment, such love can be fleeting.
FRIENDLY LOVE. A form of love based on commitment and obligation is called friendship love. These are the closest friends, those about whom we speak "both in fire and in water." Also, friendly love can be found in long-term marriages, where there is no more passion, but intimacy and commitment.
FATAL LOVE. In the presence of only passion, that is, falling in love, people bind themselves with obligations (marriage, children, etc.), which leads to a form of love devoid of obligation - fatal love. going to everything, it grows out of falling in love, sealed by uzamimarriage.
PERFECT LOVE. As you may have guessed, perfect love is a combination of all three components of love. This is an ideal relationship, the most complete form of love that all couples strive for.
Once again, we emphasize that none of the forms of love is static. People move around this triangle: some components appear, some disappear. Therefore, you need to constantly maintain your relationship and strive to add the missing components to them. Think about what is missing for perfect love for you?
Wish you success!
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