Microgreens are young plants, most often with cotyledons, sometimes with a pair of true leaves. These are no longer seedlings, but not yet mature plants. According to some estimates, the concentration of nutrients in microgreens is 5 times higher than in adult plants (in terms of mass). The brighter the color of the seedlings, the better. In general, you can grow anything, focusing primarily on the price of seeds.
I line the box with the thinnest agrofibre that we have so that the soil does not spill out. I fill it with peat soil, which was prepared for seedlings, about half - they don’t need more, they won’t have to grow for a long time. I sprinkle the seeds on top. I pre-soak large seeds for a day, for example, sunflower or peas. Small seeds, like mustard or radish, I sow without soaking.
After sowing, thoroughly moisten the soil with water from a spray bottle. Watering can not be watered - it will wash away all the seeds.
After watering, I cover the surface with some dense material, press it down and leave it like that for 4-5 days. You need to press down so that the roots germinate into the ground; without pressing down, the roots can grow in all directions and the seeds will stand together on them, starting from the ground, after which they will dry out and rot. It is not necessary to sprinkle the seeds with earth: when cutting, you will have to thoroughly wash the sprouts, and soil residues may still come across.
After 4-5 days, all seeds germinate, take root, you can open them. After another week, the seedlings are ready for use.
They can be cut all at once, washed, dried, put in a bag and kept in the refrigerator. Sow the box again so as not to waste time. I usually cut as needed, the rest grows further. I cut tops, add them to salads, soups, sandwiches, eat them in their pure form. They are very fragrant and tasty. It is hardly possible to measure the nutritional value at home, but I think it is no lower than that of a store-bought hydroponic lettuce.
I grow mainly sunflowers and peas. One sowing takes about 100 g of dry seeds. Grow very fast. A good option for the winter is vitamins and a variety of food, what else does the body need?
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