1. The main empty occupation of most people (men in particular) is trying to please. In this life you can only deceive yourself. Throwing dust in your eyes and talking about how wealthy and all-powerful you are will only attract those who want to get something from you. When you put on very expensive shoes or buy a phone for your entire salary in order to impress, but your internal state of self-confidence does not reach the level of these things, then a woman will come who will take away your last shoes. Because you caught her precisely on these “tsatskis”. If you declare that you are a millionaire, then a woman will come for whom your money will be much more important than you.
A real man knows how to position himself exactly the way he feels. The less you try to please, the sooner the one with whom you will be cozy and comfortable will come.
2. It is important to always be in yourself and match yourself - do not put on masks and do not play roles, but present yourself as you are. It is unprofitable to climb into the image of a macho or a tough businessman when this is not yours. If you are a tram driver, then be proud of your profession, because this is the best thing that you could do for yourself at the moment. Only then can you grow further.
3. Many men think that a woman ideally needs a self-confident rich seducer who can always do anything, a kind of “cool wizard”. At the same time, it is also desirable to be pumped up with steroids, like Schwarzenegger. There is no need to strive for this, because there are no such supermen in nature. The main thing is that you must arrange yourself, be in tune with your inner state.
4. It is important for a man to stand firmly on his feet and clearly understand his own task (where I am going, what I am doing and why). He feels good only with the woman who helps to realize his needs. And you can realize them only when a woman absolutely (by definition) accepts your masculine position. It is visible and felt. Then she:
*does not argue
* Does not cause conflicts
* And most importantly, he doesn’t manipulate (“you tell me, and I tell you”, “call yourself, but I can’t”, “why this, and not like that”, “I play here, I don’t play there”).
When a woman (girl) does not accept your masculine position, but solves her problems at your expense, feel free to close the topic of such relationships. The most innocuous, you "get on the money." It is much worse if she digs into her soul, and then makes it clear that you are not worthy of her.
5. Trust yourself, your heart. Do not listen to friends, parents, neighbors and other well-wishers. Orient yourself and your feeling, look for the one with which you feel good and comfortable. A woman creates an atmosphere, envelops. She has so much warmth that the man next to her melts and dissolves.
6. Any woman wants from a man:
* Worries
* Safety (reliability)
* Manifestations of inner male strength, confidence.
7. It is important to be honest with yourself first and respect other people by definition.
If you came on a first date and understand that you and the girl “no way”, then you don’t need to promise her anything and you don’t need to offend her. Especially - to teach or "treat". Behave like a man: find the strength in yourself to pleasantly end the evening, thank you from the bottom of your heart and let her go.
8. When a man is not confident in himself, he attracts the woman who will grow this confidence in him, so you don’t have to do your best to portray confidence - you won’t attract your own.
It is profitable to be yourself, especially since all other places are already taken.
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