1. It was formed about 4.57 billion years ago.
2. Judging by the presence of heavy metals on Earth, our solar system was formed from "recyclable materials" obtained from pre-existing and then exploded stars.
3. About 99.86% of its total mass falls on the Sun itself (see interesting facts about the Sun).
4. Just as the Earth revolves around the Sun, the Solar System revolves around the center of the Galaxy, and it moves at a speed of 220-240 kilometers per second.
5. Between the Earth and the Moon, all the other planets of the solar system would fit.
6. Not only Saturn has rings, but also all other giant planets - Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune.
7. Among all the planets of the solar system, Uranus and Neptune are the least studied, and Mars is the most studied (see interesting facts about Mars).
8. The hottest of the planets in the system is Venus. It is further from the Sun than Mercury, but due to the incredibly dense atmosphere near the surface, which becomes almost liquid due to the monstrous pressure, the temperature near its surface exceeds 460 degrees. This is higher than the melting point of lead. And it also rains from sulfuric acid, but because of the heat they do not reach the surface, evaporating in the atmosphere.
9. Europa, one of Jupiter's moons, has more water than Earth.
10. Auroras occur not only on Earth, but also on some other planets in the solar system.
11. A day on Mars lasts almost the same as on Earth - only 37 minutes longer.
12. Among all the other planets of the solar system, it is Mars that is most similar to the Earth, but it is cold and almost devoid of atmosphere. However, on hot summer days, the temperature at its equator rises above 0 degrees.
13. Only three celestial bodies in the solar system, not counting the gas giants, have a dense atmosphere - Earth, Venus and Titan, a satellite of Saturn (see interesting facts about Titan).
14. Mercury's core occupies a larger percentage of the total volume than any other planet. Scientists believe that the once monstrous collision literally ripped off the planetary crust from it.
15. Mars is home to the Mariner Valleys, the largest canyon complexes in the solar system.
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