How to control your appetite and lose weight
id: 10052869

1. Eat slowly After we have eaten, the nerves in the stomach send signals to the brain that they are satisfied. It takes 10 to 30 minutes to suppress the appetite. Because of this delay, it's important to eat more slowly so you don't feel the need to eat more than you actually need. How to solve the problem The best way to avoid overeating is to have enough time to eat deliciously and with taste. This simple rule allows enough time for the brain to absorb the satiety information.
2. Eat before you feel hungry Staying for a long time without food causes an uncontrollable feeling of hunger. And then excess food creates a feeling of fullness and increases insulin levels, and makes the body feel tired and then more hungry. How to solve the problem Instead of waiting for the feeling of hunger to overtake you, it is recommended to eat several times a day. It helps reduce appetite, keeps your metabolism going and improves your fat burning ability.
3. Sleep well Many people do not know that there is a relationship between the quality of a night's sleep and the ability to control the feeling of hunger. Lack of adequate rest increases our desire to eat sugary foods, fats and carbohydrates. This can become a prerequisite for many health problems in the medium and long term.
During sleep, the body produces a hormone called leptin, which acts on insulin to burn fat cells and makes you feel fuller. When you don't get enough sleep, these substances are activated and we feel hungry. How to solve the problem Spend the necessary 7-8 hours of sleep at night in your bed.
4. Increase water intake More than half of people suffer from some degree of dehydration because they don't get enough fluids. This condition is very dangerous for health. There may be a feeling of hunger, but it is not real. Lack of hydration makes us feel tired and reduces our energy, which ultimately makes us eat more. How to solve the problem Drink enough water throughout the day and eat more fruits and vegetables.
5. Beware of calories in liquids The body digests liquids faster than solid food. When taking "liquid" calories, the blood sugar level rises, which encourages us to eat more. These drinks (such as Cola, Sprite, lemonade) negatively affect our metabolism. How to solve the problem Limit the use of sweet dairy products, "sports" drinks and various carbonated drinks. Increase the consumption of clean water, high-quality tea and fresh juices diluted with water.
