Would you find these spots on my body?
id: 10032052

I have a fascinating suggestion for you - how about repeating the anatomy of the female body? Want to refresh your knowledge, when did last time you examined woman body? And as an object for study, I offer you myself. Ready to get started? It will be exciting!

So, I think we will immediately go on to what is most striking to you - namely, my breasts. By the way - how do you like my breasts, will I ever get the compliments from you? :-)

The breast is one of my erogenous zones. A lot of nerve endings are concentrated here, so I love it so much when my breast is caressed, kissed. When the nipples are licked. Then my breast rises, rounds, the nipples begin to harden. Pleasant feeling. Here - try it! They are solid! I begin to get more and more excited ... the pupils of my eyes widen, my breathing becomes heavy and intermittent ... go down below.

Feel - I got wet down there? This is a lubricant, a lubricant that is released in a woman when she is very excited and ready for sex. I'm excited. I hope you remember why you need lubrication? And what to do with an excited woman? Or also remind you to refresh your knowledge? :-)

Well - we briefly repeated the theoretical part, maybe now we will pass to practical exercises? :-) I hope you are firm ....? In your intentions?
