Hello! it's me...
id: 10041048

I love music, sweets, savory spices, a light unobtrusive smoke of aroma candles, books, films, fairy tales... They bring harmony to my world, soothe and set me up for creativity.
I like to invent and prepare delicious surprises for my family... I continue to seek peace... The fire that lives in me does not let me sleep at night, sends a million ideas, pushes me to go along uncharted paths...
Music... There is so much immense mysterious beauty in it, such delight in its bizarre patterns! She is breath and pulse, she is life! I think about her all the time, looking for her in myself... We have grown together in rings of time, she lives in me...
Tomorrow I will laugh ... at yesterday's self, at these enthusiastic lines ... But today I live and breathe this moment in full!
Hello! It's me...
