Is depression so terrible??
id: 10043208

By virtue of my profession, I often meet people who suffer from depression for a number of different reasons.Whether it's cheating on a partner, illness, external factors, etc. I
decided to write a blog on how to fight this without medication.
First of all, in order to start fighting depression on your own, you need to know what caused it and neutralize it.
One can say for sure: depression does not appear unexpectedly. This is how the psyche responds to negative events that are important for a person. The problems that caused the disorder should not be driven deep into yourself, because then they, poisoning the body from the inside, will become more global and can result in serious mental or somatic diseases.
Reconsider your views on the situation – as they say, there is no way out of the coffin only! Life goes on – change your attitude to what is happening, do not pay attention to squabbles and sidelong glances. It is impossible for everyone to like it. If you need a frank conversation, talk frankly. Work on yourself.
Getting out of depression contributes to a number of steps that need to be done, given the above. Their effectiveness has been proven by people suffering from different types of this disorder on their own experience.
1. Proper nutrition is very important – a healthy diet allows you to feel good physically and be in a good mood. It does not include everything called fast food: big macs, grilled chickens, French fries. hot dogs, etc. These fast food products can poison the body, introduce a lot of toxic substances into it. Meat can also be considered a danger in this sense.
2. Another great way to get out of depression is to normalize sleep. No improvised "assistants" in order to quickly fall asleep and fully sleep until morning, without waking up from every rustle, should not be used (meaning sleeping pills or alcohol, although folk remedies in the form of decoctions are quite suitable). You can act in this way:
- get into the habit of going to bed strictly at a certain time, and not when you want or how it turns out;
- the most natural sleep mode for a person is to fall asleep before midnight, or even better – at 10 pm, and get up early. In this case, sleep has healing restorative properties;
- before going to bed, it is inappropriate to watch news, films with negative coloring such as thrillers and horror, as well as read something similar - it can provoke nightmares;
- dinner should be early and not dense;
- the bedroom needs to be ventilated, you can take a warm bath, drink a glass of warm milk with honey.
3. Physical activity is a great way out of depression.
4. Positive thinking is very important for getting out of depression. Paint the depressive grayness with bright colors, think about the good, do good to people.
5. Do what you like. A favorite thing, hobby, will charge with positive energy, allow you to relax faster and better after a hard day's work, distract from worries and bad thoughts.
And now about the main thing: in order to get out of depression on your own, you need to appreciate every moment of your life. It is given once and you need to enjoy it so that nothing passes by. One should not dwell on failures, consider any problem global. Throw everything out of your head, love and appreciate your loved ones, communicate, enjoy every minute.
And how do you, dear men, cope with depression??It would be interesting to know.
