What is true love?
id: 10043881

According to the meaning of the word "truth", the expression "true love" is understood by me as that which corresponds to all its canons. But I would like to understand what features it is still characterized by, and also do love and happy relationships always coexist?

Each of us at least once in our lives thought about true love, and maybe even experienced it. These people know that happiness is when you fell in love with a person who is in love with you. So it is, you can not be happy without reciprocity.

Secondly, it is equally important that there is trust in the relationship, without which it is impossible to build anything: neither a family, nor a romantic relationship.
It’s great if both people think and think the same way, if they have common interests and hobbies. Although they say that opposites converge, in reality this is not entirely true.

In a word, in order for the relationship to turn out to be interesting, real, you need to try, sometimes sacrifice yourself, your desires for the happiness of another.

If we talk about the manifestation of their feelings, then everything is much simpler. The whole secret of true love is that it just is. Here it is real, sincere, unconditional and lasting.

At the same time, true feelings involve caring for your soulmate, the desire to please, please, and do something pleasant.

Falling in love, as a rule, has a more selfish foundation. Because here, in a relationship, everyone tries to “pull the blanket over themselves”, embellish and exaggerate their qualities, dignity, and sometimes hurt a person, cause jealousy, etc.

In other words, true love has a certain Christian all-forgiving beginning, which causes only peace and a desire to make others happy.

If we talk about true love between a man and a woman in the works of Russian literature, then this, of course, is I.A. Bunin and his "Dark Alleys". Again, in many of his stories there is no long-term joy from the feelings that have appeared, but the heroes left love itself in their hearts for life.

If you take the story "Garnet Bracelet" by I.A. Kuprin, then here in general the highest degree of fidelity and devotion. Zheltkov until the end of his days lived as a beloved, made her life happy by his absence from her.

"Eugene Onegin" is another complex interweaving of heroes who truly love each other. But even here, with all the power of love, A. S. Pushkin does not unite them with one fate.

With M. Bulgakov, the opposite is true: the heroes choose love, for the sake of which they destroy their own lives.

Thus, on the example of literary works, and life in general, one can easily understand: a happy relationship between a man and a woman rarely coexists with true love. Many of the fictional characters, such as Olga Petrovna Ryzhova from the film "Office Romance", still choose duty, they choose "the way it is right."

But such love will bring happiness or grief, whether it will become a burden or a muse for a person - depends on life circumstances, the choice of the person himself and the situation.
Therefore, true love can bring happiness only if all the stars converge, if it is mutual and does not destroy other people's destinies!
