My way to relax and get distracted )
id: 10043175

everyone should have a favorite activity. You can't work, study, or do something useful all the time. Sometimes you need to relax and do something that only you like.

There are a lot of options for what can be considered a person's favorite activity – sometimes there is some kind of active activity associated with traveling or communicating with new people or old acquaintances. There are also people whose favorite activities are associated with the opportunity to be alone. In any case, a favorite activity is an exclusively individual matter, each person has the right to spend time as she wishes exclusively.
My favorite activity was formed in my earliest youth. I have always been a dreamy person and very preoccupied. I can't say that I wasn't at all interested in communicating with people and being in a team, but still I was always drawn to something else, another activity seemed to me much more interesting. This is another activity – reading.

I read the first serious book back in junior school, it made a very good impression on me. It was then that I finally came to the conclusion that reading is one of the most interesting things that exist. Thanks to reading, I could plunge into another historical era, learn about the lives of people I never knew and probably will not know in life. Reading provides amazing benefits for the human mind.
Books are full of very useful information about the world, about people. You can always learn something from books so that you can then apply this knowledge in everyday life and make a strong impression on others. In addition, reading books is very useful from the point of view of general human development.

The book you read allows you to understand yourself. Books, as a rule, tell about human problems, dramas, about how people overcame all these numerous problems and troubles. This information can be used for your own benefit, to decide how to solve your own problems.

My favorite activity is reading. Thanks to reading, I can satisfy several of my life needs at once. I can solve some of the problems of being that I have to face, I can have fun and learn something new or useful that will then help me in life. I think that this occupation is unlikely to yield to any other.

I'm sure reading will interest me for a very long time. Maybe even the rest of my life.
