How is love different from passion?
id: 10053462

And that feeling is, of course, love. Love can take many forms. Love for the opposite sex, for parents, for the world around - all these are different forms of manifestation of the same deep feeling.

What is love made of?
First, a person always puts the interests of the object of love above his own,
Secondly, a person becomes attached to the one he loves,
Thirdly, a person has a deep respect for the object of love,
Fourth, a person seeks to help the one he loves and take care of him.
Are love and passion the same thing?
Often, many people confuse the concepts of "love" and "passion". Passion is more typical for the very beginning of the relationship, i.e., for the period of falling in love. During this period, we tend to idealize our chosen one, not to notice the shortcomings. Passion is exclusively sexual experiences, while love is a deeper feeling that is fueled by a certain community of people. It is believed that a long union is just built on the basis of a balance of love and passion.

To become better
There are several signs by which one can distinguish true love from passion. If you doubt your feelings, ask yourself a few simple questions:

Are you getting better in relationships? Love motivates you to change for the better, while your partner will usually support your endeavors. Passion brings destruction, because it always means restriction of freedom,
Who is the center of the relationship? Love is selfless, we give everything we have, and if love is mutual, then we get a lot. But if you count gifts or favors, or turn attention to yourself without giving anything in return, then this is not like love,
What do you like in a partner? Passion draws attention to appearance, and love makes you focus on the inner world and life values,
Are you yourself? In a relationship based on love, there is no need to wear masks and play someone else's role. With a partner, you can be yourself and talk about the most intimate,
Are you ready to live your life next to this person? If passion is ephemeral, love is a much more stable substance, on the basis of which you can build really strong long-term relationships.
