You can write a guy from New Zealand, a girl from Nepal or the USA, and you will like to communicate. Perhaps you will even meet, and then you will get home again.
People are increasingly meeting on the network. Many, of course, subsequently transfer communication to the offline mode and build familiar relationships. But it also happens that kilometers separating two hearts in love do not allow them to reunite.
What to do if the relationship has been started at a distance? Is it worth it to continue and how to make them truly strong? We understand with psychologists.Foreign psychologists are already operating with a special term for virtual relations-Long-Distance Relationships (LDR). They actively study the features of such relationships, revealing their weak and strengths. For the most part, society is skeptical to this type of relationship. Most people consider love at a distance of utopia, and the relationship themselves - inferior and short -lived.
According to Psychology Today, 56.6% are convinced that relations at a distance bring less happiness and satisfaction, and also consider them less strong than ordinary ones. Partly with the respondents' response can be agreed. According to statistics, love in Skype rarely lasts more than 2-3 years.
And at the same time, the relationship itself, their development and formation pass through the same stages as in normal mode. Only now, unlike standard living relationships, virtual love seems to pairs more romantic. Psychologists explain such a perception of distance relations by the fact that lovers are inclined to idealize partners, which means it is more reverent to be treated. Their infrequent meetings become real holidays. After all, they are deprived of the hardships of life and everyday routine. But it is precisely such an approach to relations if they go into a normal regime that becomes the reason that it is difficult for people to get along together.
The need to keep common life, pay on accounts, put up with each other's shortcomings and tolete the presence of a partner on his side becomes a real test, and sometimes the end of the relationship. But this does not mean that the relationship at the distance that you support is doomed.
Pros of relations at a distance
The chance to test feelings. If the couple overcame the long months of separation, and the partners managed to maintain trust and feelings, we can say with confidence that the test of their distance withstood their love.
The opportunity to look at a partner on the other hand. Sometimes it happens that, being nearby, a person is inclined to adjust his behavior and hide the true nature. Separation in this case will help to see the qualities of a loved one better and finally find out if this is your person. Even in the case of a gap, look for a sound grain in this event: these relations could take precious time and strength.
Time for yourself. You can spend your free time on self -improvement, education, rest and hobbies. Devote this time to loved ones, friends and your favorite business.
Unforgettable meetings. Rare dates are a real joy for those who are forced to love in separation. And this is a great chance to prove yourself from the creative side. To plunge into a whirlwind of feelings when meeting and conduct an unforgettable weekend together-what could be better.
Cons of relations at a distance
Lack of hugs and tactile contact. The inability to hug a beloved in moments of a strong emotional shake or after an unsuccessful day is upset. Psychologists say that spiritual intimacy, similar emotions and interests will not replace physical contact. If the partners do not touch each other, do not look into each other's eyes and do not feel breathing, such communication can hardly be called full.
The temptation of treason. It increases if your separation is dragged out, and calls do not do without reproaches and conflicts. The fact is that the Racked Main in love withdraws the "Mopal Blokada." And one of you already begins to seem that no one will know about a little step to the left. In fact, it is true that or late, it pops up to the surface, the relationship stops.
Uncertainty in the future of relations and distrust of the partner. This item follows from the previous one. Fearing to lose already a subtle connection with a partner, lovers begin to control each other. And the missed call or message is becoming a serious reason for a quarrel. Jealousy, anger, guilt is an incomplete palette of feelings that can encourage and incinerate relations.
The habit of living alone. A long separation, on the one hand, burns loneliness, and on the other, shows us the advantages of independence. People who are accustomed to live separately are used to plan a day at their own discretion without looking at someone else's approval. And therefore, it happens that after the long -awaited reunion, there is no chance to get along.
How to make a relationship at a distance stronger
Psychologists agree that in order to maintain a normal climate in the relationship of the phase of forced separation, it is sometimes even necessary. At the same time, experts advise to consider relations at a distance as an intermediate or temporary scenario. Nevertheless, even during this period, relations need to be given more real coloring:
Discuss important issues together. Share your opinion, ask for advice, consider each other’s position and do not allow yourself to think that you are free to do what you like.
Look for more contact points. Agree together to include the same film, at the same time discuss the heroes in the messenger. A good option is to go "together" for purchases to a supermarket or for a morning run.
Make each other surprises. Modern delivery services work miracles. Order for a loved one a bouquet of flowers or cakes for tea. This will give him a feeling of comfort and care.
Do not miss the meeting. The more often you see, the less painful the parting will be. Cut out the weekend or buy return tickets for a later date.
Do not focus on loneliness and learn to be distracted. Sitting at home and self -pity will not make you happy. And the partner might think that your relationship is doomed. Look for reasons for meetings with friends, play sports and enjoy life. Sowing separation in this format is much more fun.
Do not deceive each other. It is easy to cheat when a person is not nearby, easier. We can say that you go to bed, but actually go to hang out in the bar. But the paradox is that this deception will be corroded from the inside, not a partner. Insincerity will gradually destroy trust and emotional connection between you.
Be frank and true. This is not so difficult.
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