Touching is not only hugging and holding hands, not only a way of showing tenderness, love, care for loved ones.
For me, it is still getting information about my surroundings.
I often close my eyes to study objects.
And yet I will return to touching in relationships with loved ones.
I would like to touch the man of my dreams in different ways.
When he leaves home and when he arrives.
I think touch unites more than all vows, words and rules.
I am sure that it is touch that is the unique remedy for all the troubles in a relationship.
Very many situations are not solvable with words. But they are easily overcome by touch.
It seems to me that words are an answer already worked out by the brain and issued in the form of a word or a sentence.
But touch is an impulse and then an action.
In touch there is more truth, soul, heart.
I believe that relationships built on touch are bright, colorful, true.
They will never let passion, love, significance, importance to each other fade away.
After all, even, sometimes, there is no strength for something more, but there is always strength for touching.
Just putting your hand on the sleeping person, stroking the head, and even just covering the sleeping person with a blanket is also a touch.
And there is so much in it.
A lot of awe, care, love.
The touch is so much and so easy.
Touch is the secret tool that makes our relationship amazing, unique, real.
Give touch, create touch, and your life will change every day if you don't let touch go.
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