Do you burn out? have a rest! 6 tips against burnout.
id: 10043881

Let's get straight to the "symptoms":
• Voltage. The head often starts to hurt at work. And, finally, going to bed at the end of the day, your loud “fuuuuuuuh ...” is heard around the house.

• No pleasure in business. Tasks begin to stretch like rubber. There is no inspiration with new ideas, and you can barely cope with old tasks.

• Mode of the psyche "helpless victim". "Grievances", blaming others, venom towards acquaintances, feeling that everything around is unfair.

You will be told everywhere that the cause of burnout is beliefs: “I have to work hard”, “hyper-responsibility”, “burning with my own business”. But this is so wrong! Hearing such statements, one wants to take diplomas away from those who confuse people so much. By themselves, responsibility, burning, the conviction that for the sake of the goal you need to plow - this is a cool thing, very necessary for people. The root of burnout is completely different.

On the Internet, "burnout" has become a meme. Someone will joke and say that it does not exist, someone will call burnout everything that moves.

However, burnout is still a concept introduced into the ICD (International Classification of Diseases) list, and if in the early stages you can say to yourself: “I'll leave for Bali! I’ll rest, and the burnout will go away, ”then in a year or two you will already be thinking:“ Yes, I just don’t want to go anywhere. I am stumped and helpless."

Therefore, below you will find 6 tips that will help you understand yourself and turn the pendulum leading you to burnout.
Take a rest. Who hasn't heard this yet? But what people do with their rest is they stare at the screen. Series, social media networks, YouTube - everything that often makes you more twitchy and your brain tired. Learn to rest. You can rest, and not get even more tired, only on that which “renews” your emotions, gives you LIVING something fresh. Fiction, good stories. More on that in point 6.
Support for others. It is not always necessary to immediately run to a psychologist. Oddly enough, people rarely share their condition even with the closest people, considering it unworthy / showing them from a bad side. Try to tell what difficulties you have inside, what you are facing. Do not complain, just try to describe your situation, the emotions that it causes in you, if you are a screenwriter who describes the internal states of his characters.
Find what you love. The same thing that people ignore or say “Yes, yes, everyone says find a hobby. Well, I'm knitting, leave me alone. But after all, how important it is to have 1-2 hours in the day when you are not just “stupid in front of your favorite TV series”, but are doing a thing that, like a sweet that you are about to get from the shelf, gives you a rush of endorphins. Think carefully right now, what can this be for you? And do it at least 30 minutes a day.
Watch the video of Franz Wertvollen. This video is rooted. There you will not hear all the words that you are "overworked", "you need to change activities", "the boss oppresses you." In the video, the author lays out the mechanisms that top managers and CEOs of companies can use in order not to burn out. Gives you the tools and insights you can apply today.
5. Get ready for a journey into your emotions. If you don’t know why you have burnout/fatigue/powerlessness, then you, like most people, do not know how to use an emotional compass. You don't know yourself. People need sessions and sessions with psychologists in order to finally formulate for themselves the minimum: "Oh, it seems I'm tired of negative emotions in the family."
Franz Wertvollen gives people this compass. After getting acquainted with his projects, you begin to manage your emotional states: fears, anxieties, anger. And you begin to feel where you are "rolling" in the wrong direction.

6. Get a video about burnout. Remember I promised you to tell you more about what RENEWS your emotions? Watch the video of this author, after which the shoulders straighten. Spend your evening (or break at work?) with benefit.
