2022 is coming to the end. And almost a year, as in my country the war. So, what conclusions I have drawn for myself at the moment:
1. Live here and now! Try to catch every moment of happiness and cherish it, because tomorrow may not be
2. Help other people. A whole team is assembled along a small chain, which has significant power. If it were not for the volunteers and their kind hearts, we would not have coped with this war in our country.
3. It doesn't take much to be happy. Family and friends are alive and well. Still, a loved one is nearby - then you really feel happy
4. Cool sense of humor! It helps to cope with stress, come to a normal psychological state and brings the feeling that you are strong and can survive anything.
5. Love your home and be grateful for what you already have. As it turned out, leaving your home is very difficult. Even when it's dangerous to stay in it
6. Animals also have a soul. They, like people, want to eat, sleep, be warm and need someone. I try to help them, because they also suffer from the war, and since they cannot help themselves.
7. Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. We often think that we have a lot of time left, that we can do everything. Unfortunately, many will never do their job.
8. Be able to make decisions quickly. Today, the flexibility and speed of decision-making can greatly affect the quality of your life.
9. Love, love, and love again! Sincerely and with all my heart. Aren't people born into this world for this?))
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