St. Nicholas day 2022: traditions, signs, prayers and gift ideas for a child
id: 10043881

Saint Nicholas Day - date
The day of memory of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is celebrated on December 6 according to the old style or December 19 according to the new style. Saint Nicholas is considered one of the most revered Orthodox saints, he also became the prototype of Santa Claus and Father Frost. In Catholic countries, children, waking up on the morning of December 6, look for a gift in Christmas socks, and kids who are brought up in Orthodoxy know that St. Nicholas puts a gift only under the pillow.

Answering the question about how many holidays of Nicholas are in a year, we remind you that the day of St. Nicholas is sometimes called the date of the transfer of his relics - May 22.

St. Nicholas Day 2022 - the history of the holiday
Nicholas the Wonderworker, Nicholas the Pleasant or Saint Nicholas - this is how Orthodox believers call him. According to ancient writings, the man lived in the III-IV centuries and became famous for many miracles. One of the legends says that once Nicholas the Wonderworker saved innocently convicted people from execution by stopping an executioner with a sword. He also saved the inhabitants of the city of Mira from starvation by dreaming of one of the Italian merchants, giving him money and asking him to come to the people with grain.

Many temples and monasteries were built in honor of Mykola Ugodnik, representatives of Christianity in many countries honor the saint, and in Ukraine a city was named in memory of the Miracle Worker.

Traditions on St. Nicholas Day
Orthodox know that one of the most revered saints patronizes all travelers, sailors, as well as the poor, the sick and, of course, children. That is, those who need his help. The main tradition of the holiday is gifts and sweets, which are put under the pillow for the kids on the holy night.

Her story is very interesting: a poor widower lived in the next house from Nikolai, whose daughter fell in love with a guy from a wealthy family. But the groom's parents did not want to take a dowry into the family. Then Nikolai, under the cover of night, threw a bundle of coins into the girl's window, thus providing her with a dowry and not allowing the lovers to be separated. From that moment, Nikolai felt that helping was his calling and began to throw toys, clothes or money into the homes of those in need.

Often it is on St. Nicholas Day in many cities that they put up Christmas trees in the squares, arrange New Year's Eve festivities, fairs and concerts. Charitable organizations congratulate orphans on this bright holiday.

Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker - signs, rituals

It has long been believed that after December 19 severe frosts begin. The peasants on this day brewed beer and put a candle in the church, praying to the Wonderworker for all the blessings and a good harvest next year. The hostesses baked pies, laid festive tables and invited neighbors to visit to honor the memory of St. Nicholas together and celebrate the holiday.

You can support an ancient tradition, cook a delicious dinner, get together in a small family circle or call relatives. Take on the role of a miracle worker and give your child:

long-awaited toy;
developing game;
ticket for an entertainment event;
The main thing is to remember that on St. Nicholas Day you need to be in good health and in a good mood, in no case swear, but only rejoice and thank the saint for what is happening in your life.
