Celebrating the New Year without company - just the thought of it can terrify many. It seems that such a scenario suggests that something in our life has gone wrong, and we are trying our best to find companions - we write to friends whom we have never met for the whole outgoing year, we are going to visit our parents , knowing in advance that these gatherings will not end in anything good. But what if you still try to spend this main night of the year alone with yourself?
When there is less and less time left before the New Year, the pace of life noticeably accelerates. We hustle and bustle trying to get everything done: closing things at work, congratulating clients, running around the shops in our free time to find an outfit, buying gifts and necessary products - preparations for the holiday are in full swing.
And among the many questions that confront us on the eve of the New Year (what to wear, what to give, what to cook), one stands apart: with whom to celebrate? It is he who most worries many on New Year's Eve.
We would not need to search so frantically with whom to celebrate the holiday, if it were not so scary to be alone with ourselves. But, alas, few people know how to be a friend to themselves - supporting and accepting. More often we are our own judges, critics, accusers..
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