1. He talks badly about his exes.
Not a single, absolutely not a single woman in his life was good. There were only bitches, maniacs, hysterics, horror stories, and in general, not a single standing person. Spend more time with him, and you will probably also stand on a par with people who are disgusted to shake hands.
2. Not responding to messages
It's great that he's busy and doesn't have his phone in his hands 24/7. Nevertheless, an enthusiastic man and even a person who simply respects you will definitely answer the message sooner or later. If you feel that your messages are flying into the void, and he gets in touch with you after he disappears for an indefinite period, feel free to put an end to the relationship.
3. You fit well into his life.
Does he invite you to the movies or to a bar with friends at the last minute, or maybe he goes to the pool and is ready to grab you along the way? These are not dates, but simply his plans, which you are lucky to get into, because you are free when he calls. It is worth considering whether this format of a relationship that is convenient only for him is suitable for you.
4. You feel uncomfortable around him.
The excitement of first dates is behind you, but you still feel uncomfortable in his company. You are afraid to say something wrong, walk naked in front of him, because something is wrong with you, shift from foot to foot, being in his apartment. It is worth listening to yourself: perhaps you already unconsciously feel that this relationship is not for you.
5. He checks his phone all the time
Does he even spend a romantic evening buried in his phone? Does he not hesitate to reply to messages when you say something? Texting in front of you with other girls? Alas, all this is clearly more important to him than you and your relationship.
6. You check his phone all the time
As soon as there is a convenient moment, you check his means of communication, peep passwords from social networks, store logins from his mail ... If you do this with all your men, it is possible that this is your bad temper and desire to keep your partner under total control. But it may well be that your distrust is justified, and the desire to view his correspondence is caused by solid suspicions that you are just one of the contenders for his heart in the list of other girls.
7. He is rude
What is hidden under the mask of "straightforwardness" may turn out to be bad parenting, self-doubt, and just aggression. Got rude to the waiter, offended your mother with a joke, made an unacceptable comment addressed to you, decided to “deal with” a guy on the street who looked at you “wrongly”? Think about it, are you really ready to endure all this?
8. He doesn't tolerate rejection.
Any options for coercion are a reason to stop. A healthy relationship cannot be based on provoking sexual relations when you don’t want or are not ready, or uncompromising statements from the series “everyone does it, why can’t you?”, Or resentment and anger at your disagreement with his position.
9. He doesn't want to stay with you longer.
After a passionate evening, he first of all calls a taxi for himself or for you, because you definitely need to get enough sleep. Or, after spending the night with you, he is in no hurry to share the desire to cuddle a little more, have breakfast together, go to work together and jump out of bed, because there is so much to do. In fact, he just does not want to spend time with you, and you need to understand this.
10. He talks about you with others.
We all know the phrase "happiness loves silence." And this is not even about the publication of joint photos on social networks. The topics that you discuss, your preferences in bed, your secrets or stories about past relationships that you share with him should not become topics for discussion with his friends or acquaintances. If a man can't keep things that concern the two of you to himself, it's worth asking yourself a few questions. Does he really take your relationship seriously? Does he care about you or is he just asserting himself at your expense?
11. He is registered on a dating site
Still. He may claim to have left, but kind people send you compromising screenshots. He may say that this is his way of making friends or finding clients at work ... And yet the fact remains: he is still in search of the very girl for whom he will be ready to stop and delete his profile from the dating site.
12. Your loved ones can't stand him
When the closest people, friends or relatives as one repeat that you are not a couple, this is not a reason to fight. This is a reason to listen. People who wish you well, who know you like no one else, those with whom you share common hobbies and interests, may see something that you cannot yet see in your chosen one and that will affect you later couple of years, maybe even a couple of kids and a decades-long joint mortgage.
13. You are afraid of everything
You are afraid that the day will come when he will stop responding to your messages and calls. You are afraid that you are not the only one with him, that he will refuse to meet your parents and friends, that you are not young enough, slim, smart or sexy for him. You are afraid to clarify your status in your relationship and invite him to spend a vacation together. If fear is the main feeling that you experience in a relationship, this indicates serious problems. Your problems, if this is constantly repeated with different men, or the problems of your relationship, if this has not happened to you before.
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