Pre-Christmas hustle and bustle and good fun!
id: 10050602

Canada, and indeed all of North America, is lit up with bright stars. It's time for Christmas fairs, decorating streets and homes, and singing famous Christmas songs. For 19 years in a row, the Christmas train has ridden across Canada these days. The purpose of the trip is to collect donations for the hunger relief fund in the form of money or food at the train stops. The train is decorated with many lights and looks very festive. It stops in many cities.
Another traditional fun of Canadians is to be photographed with Santa Claus. In every large shopping center is installed a huge Christmas tree and fairy palace. On Saturdays and Sundays, parents with children sometimes stand in line for hours to get their child to sit for a few minutes with the bearded grandfather. No, of course, children don't stand and wait. There's plenty of entertainment and goodies around. The queue is held by an adult. Usually the whole family comes.
What's Christmas like in your town?
