Soul mate - who is she?
id: 10043632

When meeting a "native" person - remember - you met not to destroy your lives, not to immerse yourself in everyday life and affairs together, not to inflict another spiritual wound on each other, not for the sake of getting rid of "loneliness" . You met to help each other better understand yourself and this World. To truly heal each other. To give happiness.

And in order to bring into the history of life not another drama - there are plenty of them, but to bring in a beautiful story of Love and a wonderful Path of ascent and improvement of a person as a species.

You have met to sow and multiply wisdom, beauty and prosperity together. Giving each other the joy of communication, developing patience, understanding, respectful and caring attitude. Leaving behind faith in love and all the best.

You met to live, create and create Love.
Do you agree with that, honey?
