New year's tale and personal wishes
id: 10051158

On New Year's Eve, when I was 7–8 years old, my mother went out onto the terrace, returned from there with gifts and said that Santa Claus had come on a sleigh, ordered his daughter to pass the gift. Without hesitation, I ran there to see him, but I only saw what seemed to me to be a sleigh with lights driving off and how one of them waved to me. The charge of mood was unreal: after all, Santa Claus, at least a little, but I saw. Later, the parents said that they asked the neighbors through 2 houses to play along with them. But anyway, thank you for this New Year's mood!
Unfortunately, I didn’t see the fairy tale after that, probably because I like to make a fairy tale to other people. For example, my son still believes in St. Nicholas, Santa Claus, and IT'S GREAT! Now the New Year holidays for Ukrainians with only one desire, the desire to look at the sky and see the victorious sun, which will bring many smiles and bring home many soldiers. Is it worth it to make a wish about sincere love and about the fairy tale that I can get from a loved one? Or is it worth creating this fairy tale yourself?
