my golden rules, i listen to the advice of psychologists, and it really works
id: 10045767

👉🏻 My golden rules, I listen to the advice of psychologists, and it really works ✅

Formation of healthy habits:

📌 Get up earlier

📌 Make a to-do list for the day,

📌 Train yourself to order

Get rid of the "eaters" of time - watching TV, TV series, the Internet

Solve problems in a timely manner so that they do not accumulate

Planning and prioritization

📍 From complex to simple

📍 Identify the most important things

📍 Delete unnecessary

Reward and praise

We managed to complete a difficult task - be sure to reward yourself - eat a delicious treat, buy something desirable for yourself, meet friends, go to the cinema

Do you have time for everything?)

And do you stick to healthy habits?
