February 14: what holiday is today
id: 10043881

Valentine's Day

On February 14, many countries around the world celebrate Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day. In Western Europe it has been widely celebrated since the 13th century, in the USA - since 1777.

The tradition of giving gifts on this day has grown stronger every year and for some has become a fairly successful business. For example, at the beginning of the last century, it was customary for Americans to send marzipans to their brides, which were quite expensive.

In Japan, the tradition of giving sweets on this day appeared at the suggestion of one large chocolate manufacturing company. They began celebrating Valentine's Day in the 1930s, and chocolate remains the most common gift to this day. By the way, there Valentine's Day is slightly reminiscent of "March 8 for men", as Japanese men receive, perhaps, even more gifts than women: men's accessories such as a razor, lotion, wallet, and so on.

It is customary for the French to give jewelry on Valentine's Day, and in romantic Denmark people send dried white flowers to each other.

In Britain, unmarried girls on February 14 get up before sunrise, stand near the window and look at the passing men. According to legend, the first man they see is the betrothed.

And Saudi Arabia is the only country in the world where this holiday is officially banned, moreover, under pain of heavy fines.

International Book Giving Day

The initiative for its appearance belongs to the American Emmy Broadmoor, mother of three children, founder of a children's book website in the United States.

It was the question of one of the sons who once asked his mother why there is no such day in the year when people give books to each other just like that, and became the impetus for the birth of a new significant holiday.

geek day

February 14th is an unofficial, but widely celebrated in the professional world Computer Day. On February 14, 1946, the first really working electronic computer ENIAC I was demonstrated to the scientific world.

All work on the development of the first computer was sponsored by the American army, which needed a computer for military calculations, planning and programming. ENIAC I worked until 23:45 on October 2, 1955, and then was dismantled.

Memorial Day of the Holy Martyr Tryphon

Saint Tryphon, whom the church honors on this day, lived in the 3rd century in Nicaea. From an early age, he adopted Christian customs, and as a youth, he showed the gift of miracles, healing the sick. According to legend, Tryphon cast out a demon from the daughter of the Roman emperor Gordian III, who, although he was an idolater, did not persecute Christians. However, in the reign of the next emperor, Decius Trajan, persecution began, and Tryphon was executed.

Saints Cyril and Methodius Day

Cyril and Methodius are the enlighteners of the Slavs, the patrons of Europe, the creators of the Slavic alphabet. The Catholic Church honors their memory on February 14th.


This is a holiday of late frosts, dedicated to the victory of the light of the Sun over the dark days of winter. Heralds the awakening of the vital forces that fell asleep during the Winter Night. It is believed that the earth at this time is preparing to receive new seeds. This period is also called a symbolic time of preparation for future events.

On this day:

1907 - the Lviv art gallery was founded;

1912-the territory of Arizona becomes the 48th state of the United States;

1929 - Massage on Valentine's Day. The reprisal of Italian mafiosi from the Al Capone group with members of the competing Irish group Bags Mohan, as a result, seven people were killed;

1933 - the first telephone service of the exact time opens in Paris;

1956 - The XX Congress of the CPSU opened in Moscow. The most famous is the condemnation of the personality cult and, indirectly, the ideological heritage of Stalin;

1961-the 103rd element, Lawrence;

2003 - at the age of 6.5 years, Dolly's cloned sheep dies;

2005 - YouTube service was created;

2011 - Arab spring: the beginning of the uprising in Bahrain.
