The secret to strong families
id: 10044414

I like the metaphor "a family is a boat in which one rows and the other steers. If one rows too fast, the other will not have time to steer, and if one steers too actively, one will not be able to sail far either. There has to be a good balance and a steady pace.
Another good example is pairs dancing. There is no place for egoism, partners must support each other, care for and adjust to the needs of the other.
It is difficult to explain in words. Imagine that your man is a world champion in ballroom dancing. You love him and want to dance with him. He asks you to dance, but he acts like he's on a competitive parquet. Will you be comfortable? Will you be happy?
Don't try to show off or demonstrate your superiority, even if you are stronger, smarter, more successful, more stress-resistant.... If your goal is family, put your ego aside, feel for your partner, help him where he is weaker. Only in this situation will the statement "1+1=11" be true for you.
In what you are superior to your partner, and in what he you. Does it hinder you in the relationship or, on the contrary, helps, makes you stronger?
