love is what you think about it
id: 10049495

The question is not whether love exists. He is what she is and what comes into our lives with this love. How to find love that will finally bring happiness and not “drink” all the juice out of a person? I have 1 proven advice on this. πŸ˜‰

And here is what it is:

Understand what "love" means to you. Preferably in detail. Because your love will always be what you think of it. So what do you think of it? just answer honestly)

πŸ₯° Many people live under the illusion that all the love in the world is “really” just the way they see it through their glasses. There is nothing wrong with that if their love is happy. Are you happy?

It is more curious when the whole personal life of a person goes at random, but he confidently proves to himself and others that this is how it should be. And that love is what it is. With bad taste 🀒

It seems that it is easier for such people to come to terms with the sad state of affairs and call it normal than to admit that some of their strategies were unsuccessful for the desired result ... Have you had a bitter experience? did you learn from it?

😘πŸ₯° In the meantime, what is love? Love is a set of our beliefs about it. Everyone has their own, just like everyone has their own world. She will turn to you the side that you expect to see. She speaks to everyone in his language and gives exactly what we expect from her ... What do you expect from love?)

It works like this: we always get only what is in our picture of the world, and we can NOT get what is not in our picture of the world. How can you do something that you don't even know exists? All our actions are dictated by our picture of the world, our beliefs...

I wish everyone to find their love and be happy 😘πŸ₯°
